Singing Guide: Little Texas

Singing Guide: Little Texas

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're looking to learn how to sing like Little Texas, you're in for a treat.

The band's unique blend of country sound and rock music requires a good level of vocal control and strength, but with some practice and guidance, you can achieve a similar style of singing. Here's what you need to know:

Vocal Range and Genre

To begin with, it's important to understand your vocal range and the genres of music that you're comfortable performing in. You can find your vocal range through the singing carrots vocal range test, which will help you to determine which Little Texas songs you're best suited to. As Little Texas is traditionally country music, it's a good idea to be familiar with the different sub-genres within it - honky-tonk, bluegrass, western swing, and more.

Breathing and Warm-up Exercises

Breathing exercises are essential to ensure you can take control of your breath when singing and achieve the powerful vocals that Little Texas is known for. Incorporate Farinelli breathing and humming as part of your daily singing routine. This exercise helps you control your breath, and the hum allows for gentle resonance. To get started, check out the Farinelli Breathing video and the Humming video on the singing carrots channel.

Vocal Technique

Little Texas is known for their vocal harmonies and unique blend of country and rock vocal techniques. To sing like them, you need to develop proper breathing techniques and control the quality of your voice with smart vocal exercise. Some of their key style features include:

  • Using your chest voice while keeping the tone crisp and clear. Check out this awesome Chest Voice Explained resource by Singing Carrots.
  • Mastering the mixed voice between your chest and head voice. This video explains what a mixed voice is and how to achieve it.
  • Emphasizing Twang, a technique that adds a biting edge to your voice, giving it a distinct country bite. Follow this How to Twang Exercise to get it right.
  • Incorporating growling. This technique adds a rougher tone to your voice that helps achieve a rock-like sound. Watch this video to try How to Growl Exercise.


Once you have the technique down pat, it's time to work on your performance. This Stage Tips video gives useful advice on how to own the stage.

Little Texas' Music

To learn how to sing like Little Texas, you need to familiarize yourself with their most popular songs. Some of their best-known tunes include "God Blessed Texas", "What Might Have Been", and "My Love". You can use Singing Carrots' search songs feature to find songs that match your vocal range and difficulty.

Utilize the many other resources in Singing Carrots, including article links for learning about voice types, breathing, voice registers, singing with emotion, and many more. Hopefully, using the resources and tips outlined here, you will be able to master singing like Little Texas in no time!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.